Mrs. K. Jones Art Room
Classroom 112
Tutoring Days - Fridays: 2:15 - 3:00 pm

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Art Room's Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ

Visual Art 
  • Room 112 - 8th Grade Hall 1st Floor
  • Teacher: Katie Jones
  • Planning Period: 2nd Period - 7:45 to 8:45 
  • Classroom Phone #: 901-416-3256
  • Email: or 
  • Classroom Blog:
  • Grades Taught: 7th Grade 8:45a.m. - 9:45a.m. , 8th Grade 9:45 a.m. -10:35 a.m., 6th Grade 12:15 p.m.- 1:15p.m.
  • Tutoring Hours: Friday 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm
Classroom Rules:

  1. Arrive on Time
  2. Always come to class prepared with a pencil and your art binder
  3. Do not leave your table unless given permission 
  4. Raise your hand to ask a question or to make a comment - Do not shout it out!
  5. No throwing of any items in the classroom
  6. Talk Softly only while we are working on our art work 
  7. Make sure your area is clean before the bell rings

Classroom Consequences: 
  1. Warning 
  2. Note Home 
  3. A Phone Call Home
  4. Removed from the classroom 
  5. Points loss off of Grade
  6. Conference with Parent/Guardian 
  7. Referral to Office
 Classroom Rewards:
  1. A day of music in the classroom 
  2. Bonus Points on Quizzes or Tests 
  3. The ability to eat and drink in the classroom 
  4. No Warm Up Question on Friday 
  5. A day of Art Movies
  6. No Homework 
  7. Art Party

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

8th grade Final Projects - Master Copies Day 2 - 12-14-10

Explain the process of you plan to present your art work today.

Today is the last day of your final projects! We have two hours in class today so use them wisely! 

The first hour is finishing up your image of your master copy. 

Part TWO! Presentations! 
Just as before with our presentations on our research paper* we will be presenting our art work. 

Your goal: 
Write two to three things you like or do not like about the art work and why. 

* Research Papers! 
Thursday December 16, 2010 
There will be a chance to redo presentations and correct papers. All students who did not complete a presentation or not happy with their grades on their papers/presentations will have an opportunity for a redo!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Holy art show, Batman! Adam West paints his vision -

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Adam West became a pop icon with his original portrayal of Batman 45 years ago, but the actor is now offering a different portrait of the caped crusader.
West will drive the original Batmobile to a Beverly Hills, California, art gallery for the opening of the first exhibit of his paintings and drawings depicting his vision of Batman and his crime-fighting world Friday evening.
"The pictures are pretty raw and untamed, just like me," West said as he prepared for the exhibit, which will run for a month at the David W. Streets Beverly Hills Art Gallery.
West is a "cultural pop art expressionist," said gallery owner Streets.
"This is a huge genre coming out of pop culture, American television history and culture," Streets said. "It's really a tremendous art form and really fun."
The energetic 82-year-old West said it was time "to open up a new phase" of his career.
"After 45 years of doing all this nonsense, who better to bring it to life in paintings or drawings than the guy who created the character for film," West said. "People seem to like it and respond .... click here to read the rest via

7th and 8th grade Final Projects - Master Copies Day 1 - 12-13-10


It has been two days since our presentations in class for our artist research and have reflected once already on how well we did. Today, how do you feel about your presentations went on Friday?

Final Projects - Master Copies!

The students will be given a copy of the art work corresponding with the artist they have researched all last week. They will then recreate the artist's work in their own style and manner with the aid of their group through discussion and drawings about the art work. Students will work on medium weight drawing paper, no larger then 8.5 x 11 inches, while using one of the following dry mediums, oil pastels, colored pencils, crayons, or markers. Due to time and space issues wet mediums such as watercolor and tempera are out of the question. Each team will present their individual creations with a small artist statement on Wednesday the 15th.

Time to complete this project: 2 days

Due: Wednesday December 15, 2010

Good Luck!

And before we forget our GLEs and SPIs for the week! 

7th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

7th Grade SPI: 
7.1.spi.1 7.4.spi.1 7.4.spi.4 7.6.spi.2

8th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

8th Grade SPI: 
8.1.spi.1 8.4.spi.1 8.4.spi.2 8.4.spi.3 8.4.spi.4 8.4.spi.5 8.4.spi.6 8.6.spi.2

Friday, December 10, 2010

7th and 8th Grade Presentation Day for Final Projects! and Warm Up 12-10-10


How do you feel about giving your presentation today? What would you do differently? If you had time what would you change about it? 

Final Presentations! 
Congrats students! You've made it to Friday and hopefully your presentations have made it as well! 

Remember this is what I am looking for in the presentations one last time.... 

The Paper: 

- Name of the artist
- Year they were born
- Where they were born
- Who were their parents
- What type of art did they create 
(name of the type of work and the medium)
- How did the artist view their artwork
-What was the artist’s artwork about?
-Where can you find examples of this?
- Summing up the artist’s life
- Making a final call on their art work.
- Any other small facts that work within the essay. 
 -Everyone turns in their own copy of their paper! 
 -The Paper is a minimum of 3 paragraphs long!

The Presentation:

Information is presented in a clear and concise manner
No giggling, inappropriate comments, or checking 
All Members of the team speak during the presentation. 
The audience is being looked at and you do not have your back to them at all. 


A presentation board is used
Images are used that are not provided by the teacher

Presentation Order: 

Vincent Van Gogh 

Judith Leyster

Takashi Murakami

Frida Kahlo

Andy Warhol

Gee's Bend

William Eggleston 

Sue Coe
Good Luck and Happy Presenting!!
And before we forget our GLEs and SPIs for the next two weeks! 

7th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

7th Grade SPI: 
7.1.spi.1 7.4.spi.1 7.4.spi.4 7.6.spi.2

8th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

8th Grade SPI: 
8.1.spi.1 8.4.spi.1 8.4.spi.2 8.4.spi.3 8.4.spi.4 8.4.spi.5 8.4.spi.6 8.6.spi.2

Thursday, December 9, 2010

7th and 8th Grade Final Projects Day Four and Warm Up 12-9-10

What is your presentation plan for tomorrow? 

7th and 8th grade! 

Today is the last day for writing and researching your artist. 
Presentations are tomorrow!
No exceptions!
Here is what I am looking for in your papers and presentations! 

The Paper: 

- Name of the artist
- Year they were born
- Where they were born
- Who were their parents
- What type of art did they create 
(name of the type of work and the medium)
- How did the artist view their artwork
-What was the artist’s artwork about?
-Where can you find examples of this?
- Summing up the artist’s life
- Making a final call on their art work.
- Any other small facts that work within the essay. 
 -Everyone turns in their own copy of their paper! 
 -The Paper is a minimum of 3 paragraphs long!

The Presentation:

Information is presented in a clear and concise manner
No giggling, inappropriate comments, or checking 
All Members of the team speak during the presentation. 
The audience is being looked at and you do not have your back to them at all. 


A presentation board is used
Images are used that are not provided by the teacher 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

6th grade Warm Up and Day TWO - Mythological Creature Sculptures


Who is your mythological creature? Where does he or she live? 
Write me a story about who your creature is and where they came from.

7th and 8th Grade Final Projects Day Three and Warm Up 12-8-10


Tell me in your own words... what is the progress of your research project?

Today's Assignment: 

Today is day three of our research projects! 
You should be working on the second and third paragraphs of your essay. 

If not ... then get cracking! 

ALL Information will be presented to the class as a group on FRIDAY. 


Standford Math you are responsible for presenting as well. 

All final essays will be turned in Friday before the end of class. 

(They may be hand written or typed.)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

6th grade Warm Up and Day One - Mythological Creature Sculptures


Describe in the greatest detail you can a mythological creature you have studied recently. 

Today we are beginning a new chapter in the realm of fantasy! We've painted a fantasy landscape just recently but now we are working on a creature we can call our own. First though, let's take a look at some different creatures from around the globe... 

 The Unicorn. 

The Dragon

 The Loch Ness Monster

The Cyclops

Today's Assignment! 

Create a full colored sketch on white paper of a mythological creature we have looked at or your own creation! This sketch will then be the basis for your mythological creature sculpture we will begin to create this week!

Don't forget this week's GLEs and SPIs!

The student will gain an understanding of sculpture by demonstrating shape –to-form relationships in 3-D sculptures, learn 2-D vs. 3-D, techniques and processes--parts-to-whole,
modeling and assembling through the creation of a mythological creature sculpture using assemblage parts as well as clay. 

6.2.spi.6 6.2.spi.9 6.3.spi.1 6.3.spi.4 6.4.spi.6
6.5.spi.4 6.5.spi.8 6.6.spi.1 6.6.spi.4

Want to know more about Mythological Creatures around the planet? 
Then check out the website -

7th and 8th Grade, Discussing Artists and Warm Up 12-7-10


After finding out who your artist is for your research topic, 
What do you think is the most interesting thing about them?

Part 1: 
Artist Research - Discovering our Artists. 

Yesterday you were assigned to a group with an artist to research. Your goal for this week is to write a three paragraph essay on this person with the model I have given you in the previous post. 

Today we are looking at and discussing the artists for your assigned groups. We will look at one image created by them, the type of art they created, medium, as well as small bits of information on their life. 

After discussing our artists we will break into our groups and begin our research! 

Don't forget about the classroom library, the online resources such as and Art! 

Now onto our artists! 

Van Gogh: 
Starry Night 
Vincent Van Gogh
Oil on Canvas

Takashi Murakami
Album Cover for Kanye West - Graduation 
Takashi Murakami
Digital Painting 

William Eggleston 
Troubled Waters 
William Eggleston 
Color Photography

Andy Warhol
Campbell Soup 
Andy Warhol
Silkscreen Print

Judith Leyster
Self Portrait of the Artist 
Judith Leyster
Oil on Linen 

Gee's Bend
Stripes and Blocks
Gee's Bend 
(Linda Petty)

Sue Coe
The Pit
Sue Coe
Watercolor on Paper

And before we forget our GLEs and SPIs for the next two weeks! 

7th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

7th Grade SPI: 
7.1.spi.1 7.4.spi.1 7.4.spi.4 7.6.spi.2

8th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

8th Grade SPI: 
8.1.spi.1 8.4.spi.1 8.4.spi.2 8.4.spi.3 8.4.spi.4 8.4.spi.5 8.4.spi.6 8.6.spi.2

Monday, December 6, 2010

Notes on how to write an artist research paper

7th and 8th grade students! Here is the example paper with the notes for your artist research paper due at the end of the week.

Frida Kahlo

(1st paragraph)
Frida Kahlo was born in 1914 in Mexico. Her parents …. . Kahlo created surreal paintings that she often called not her own dreams but her reality.
- Name of the artist
- Year they were born
- Where they were born
- Who were their parents
- What type of art did they create (name of the type of work and the medium)
- How did the artist view their artwork

(2nd Paragraph)
Kahlo’s paintings are often about her own pain and suffering from an accident she had as a child. You can see this through her painting the Broken Column.
-What was the artist’s artwork about?
-Where can you find examples of this?

(3rd Paragraph)
After much pain and suffering from her accident and her marriage to Diego Rivera. Frida died in 1945 causing much heart break and sadness to the art world as well as her husband Rivera. Kahlo’s art work can be seen not only as pain and suffering but an expression of her life.
- Summing up the artist’s life
- Making a final call on their art work.
- Any other small facts that work within the essay.

7th and 8th Grade Final Projects and Warm Up 12-6-10

 WARM - UP: 

Tell me about one artist or project you have found interesting this semester.

Welcome 7th and 8th grade to the last two weeks of the semester! 

Now do not get excited just yet because we have one huge project left for you in class that is split into two parts! 

Warning this entire project is 50% of your grade! 

Part 1: 

Artist research! 

Remember all of those artist names plastered on your art boxes and tables? 
Now it is time to find out who those people are and what they did! 

You will complete a three paragraph essay on your assigned artist.

We will split up into groups of three, and yes those in Standford math are responsible as well for this project,  but everyone is responsible for writing their essays. 

( Don't worry! During class today we will discuss how we write a three paragraph essay on art as well as where to find information on the artists. )

Part 2: 

Master Copies! 

This is an art class where we do create art! 

What is a master copy? 

Simple! It is where we recreate a piece of art work created by another artist except with a twist. 

We don't copy the artwork exactly! 

(How could we? We are our own artists!) 

We will be trying our best to put our own mark on the artists work through our hands. 

So what will we be doing? 

Recreating one artist's work. Each person is responsible for this project. 

So breaking it down here are our GLEs, SPIs, and Daily Assignment for the week.... 

7th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

7th Grade SPI: 
7.1.spi.1 7.4.spi.1 7.4.spi.4 7.6.spi.2

7th Grade Daily Assignment: 
Groups will be assigned and discussion of how an artist research paper will be modeled. 

8th Grade GLE: 

The student will explain contributions of assigned exemplary artists by demonstrating an understanding of a variety of media, tools, techniques, and processes their artists use, explain how their art influences history/culture and vice versa as well as discuss styles and themes. 

8th Grade SPI: 
8.1.spi.1 8.4.spi.1 8.4.spi.2 8.4.spi.3 8.4.spi.4 8.4.spi.5 8.4.spi.6 8.6.spi.2

8th Grade Daily Assignment: 
Groups will be assigned and discussion of how an artist research paper will be modeled.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A wonderful article on Takashi Murakami

Since we were just talking about Takashi Murakami in last week this wonderful article about him and his role in the Comtemporary Japanese Art Scene. Click here to read the article on

Friday, December 3, 2010

12-3-10 (Warm-UP and Critique Day!)


Pick a painting from a grade different then your own in the newly opened VMS Gallery and write what you think about the piece of art work.

This is just a practice critique, look below for the rules of how to have a critique from the website .

Take a look through the artist’s eyes.
If you’re going to be critiquing another artist’s work, it helps to know where they’re coming from.
In general, I find it difficult to get a sense of an artist from just one or two paintings, so I like to see several if I can, before critiquing. Having the artist explain what was intended helps too.
If what they’re saying and what you’re seeing doesn’t mesh, then that gives you a place to start. If their intent IS coming through, think about ways to help enhance their vision even more.

Don’t nit-pick the little stuff.
Oddly shaped ears, squarish trees, or an off-color sky. . . Sometimes it’s helpful to point out those flaws, but if there are really a lot of them, focus on the big picture instead.
With technical issues like those, I will usually suggest spending more time in preliminary sketching or I’ll mention the importance of having a strong light source that shows detail. Sure, listing each flaw might help the artist fix this painting, but what about the next one? You can’t always be there.
It’s much better to help them improve their technique or process ONCE than fix the end-results a hundred times.
Of course, if the artist asks for a nit-picky critique (and some will) then go ahead. It might not be the best way to help, but at least you know they won’t mind.

Start positive and end positive.
Always make sure to start off by saying something nice. Even if it’s difficult, find something to say.
After that, be as honest as possible—without being brutal—and then close with another encouraging, positive statement.
Artists can occasionally be sensitive about their art (a little known fact) so it just makes sense to cushion the blows a little bit.

Never be vague.
There’s nothing worse than a vague critique. They usually sound a little bit like this:
“There’s something about your painting that‘s not right. . . I don’t know what, it’s just, you know. . . Something.”
The truth is, if you don’t have anything to say about the painting it’s probably better to not speak up in a group critique.
On the other hand, if you’ve got a gut feeling about it, do your best to figure it out so you CAN critique it correctly.

And finally, keep it short.
I’ve never yet been in a group critique where time wasn‘t a factor. Say your piece and be done.

Now lets get started on those critiques! 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

6th Grade WARM - UP and Day FOUR - Fantasy Landscape Paintings (12-2-10)

Private Vigil 4"x 11 "
Watercolour on Arches Paper
© 2000 Rob Alexander

What is the story behind this fantasy landscape painting?

Fantasy Landscape Paintings (12-2-10)

Sixth grade we are hitting the home stretch with our fantasy landscape paintings! Today we are continuing to work on the painting portion of our fantasy landscape painting. 

Remember how we have painted in the past with tempera paint and our paint handling techniques such as pointillism.

Today's Fantasy Landscapes come to us from Rob Alexander.... 

Rob Alexander is an Illustrator and Concept Artist working in the Publishing, Magazine,
Computer Gaming and Collectable Card Game markets.
He paints Fine Art, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Children's Illustrations and contemporary landscapes.

Check out his website at ... 

The Ruins of Otosan Uchi 7.5" x 10"
Watercolour on Arches Paper
© 2002 Rob Alexander

The Misty Mountains 6" x 7.25"
Watercolour on Arches Paper
© 1997 Tolkien Enterprises

7th Grade Warm Up and Day FOUR - Designing a Theme Room ( 12-2-10)

Image found via

We have been working as designers all week but we've not tried to sell any of our products! I want you the designer to write a small persuasive essay on why the bedroom design pictured above is the one for your client.

Designing a Theme Room ( 12-2-10)

Great job so far 7th grade on starting on the design of your theme room! 

The Assignment today is to translate the sketch we started on yesterday onto our large paper! The larger paper acts as a presenting tool to help persuade our client to want to use our interior design. You will draw it out and begin to add color to the image. 

Remember when using color that you are not just coloring it in to make it complete but that it fits within your room's theme!

Here are some more examples of how to sketch a room design for your client via Michael Hampton Design..

Scale! Scale! Scale!

A living room set up! Thing about how perspective and scale are used here!

Remember how we designed a bedroom on day three?
 Want to see more? Check out of the rest of the website by CLICKING HERE.

Something Fun - Flashback: Pyramid's Crystal Skull via the Memphis Flyer

An alert reader wondered what I was talking about in reference to The Pyramid and Isaac Tigrett's crystal skull in a story I wrote about Bass Pro Shops a couple of weeks ago. He thought it sounded pretty cool and kind of Indiana Jones-ish. Such overwhelming response demands an answer. Old fogey reporters have an annoying habit of dropping obscure information into columns and stories. Occupational hazard. Here's the back story, mined from our pre-Internet archives by the Flyer's crack research department, also known as the guy at the front desk.

..... (Click here to read the rest of the article!)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

8th Grade Warm Up and Day FOUR - Careers in Art - Cake Decorator (12-2-10)

How do you think cakes are to used communicate? How are they similar to the paintings and sculptures we have created? 

 During our careers in art week we have learned about three different and exciting careers in art such as illustrators, animators, and tattoo artists. Each career is completely different from the other but they all involve having the knowledge and skills in what we have learned in class such as color, shapes, forms, and line in 2D and 3D formats.

Today we are learning about another career involving art the Cake Decorator.

What is a Cake Decorator? explains it as a... "A Cake Decorator is a professional who is trained to create a variety of designs on pastries and cakes, ranging from simple to ornate. Cake decorators have an understanding of fillings and frostings and are also aware of what baking materials can withstand certain temperatures. A cake decorators may choose to specialize in wedding cakes - since there is a high demand for them."

What type of education do you need to become a Cake Decorator?

Buddy Valastro from TLC's Cake Boss

      Formal training and education is often suggested when an individual is interested in becoming a cake decorator. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, a student can attend a pastry program that is accredited by the American Culinary Federation. Also you need to know all of your elements of art with a good understanding of design to create beautiful and interesting designs. 


Today we are looking at cake decorators and the cakes they design by answering the following questions... 

How are cakes similar to another art form we have studied in class? 

What elements of art do you think are used when creating a cake? 


Students we are going to sketch designs for our own cakes as if we are cake decorators ourselves.  

Remember to place notes about what type of cake it is as well as the person for which you are creating it.

And just in case you forgot.... 

GLE: The student will learn about and create art work based upon but not limited to the following creative jobs: Animators, Illustrators, Cake Decorators, Costume Designers, Tattoo Artists, Art Teachers, and Hair Artists through readings, videos, and images.
SPI's: None Listed.

Tutoring Cancelled for 12-14-2010

Just a heads up to all students that tutoring for December 14th, 2010 will be canceled due to my day 222,
31 weeks, and 5 days check up for my pregnancy. If you need to stop by the art room make sure you do it before 2:30 p.m. that afternoon. 

Tutoring and after school meetings during the 2011 semester will be changed to accommodate the change in frequency of my doctor appointments after school. 

Email me at if you have any questions.

Memphis College of Art Graduate School Open House

 Have you ever wanted to know where your art teacher goes to school after your school day ends? 
Now is your chance to check out a part of it yourself!

Graduate Program
Open House
One Night Only

Friday, December 3, 2010
6–9 pm

Meet and greet at the Graduate Program Open House Friday, December 3 from 6–9 pm at MCA's Nesin Graduate School, 477 South Main. The public is invited to this informal gathering hosted by MFA, MAArtEd and MAT candidates to learn about the graduate programs, view artwork and studios, and meet students and faculty.

An opening reception for MFA Thesis Exhibition is concurrent with the Open House at the Nesin Graduate School. The exhibition will continue on view through December 19.

The events are free and open to the public.

For more information contact:
Howard Paine, MFA Program Director
901.272.6851 or

Light Festival at the Brooks Museum of Art! (December 12th 4 - 6 pm)

 Sunday, December 12 | 4 - 6 pm

Light Festival
Presented by The Arthur F. and Alice E. Adams Charitable Foundation
Sponsored by Buckeye Technologies Inc. and The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation  
Join us for a magical evening of lights and activities in the spirit of the season!  Free admission to the museum from 4 pm - 6 pm. Some activities may include a small fee.

-Pictures with Santa
-Hands-on art activities
-Dreidel games
-Hot chocolate and holiday treats
-Carriage rides through Overton Park
-Performances by Bluff City Backsliders & Chatterbox Audio Theater  

The grand finale will be a spectacular light show at the Levitt Shell. The 6 pm display will feature state-of-the-art LED lights set to seasonal music.

Learn more by clicking here!