Mrs. K. Jones Art Room
Classroom 112
Tutoring Days - Fridays: 2:15 - 3:00 pm

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

8th Grade - Its all in the reflexes - 1-4-11

Warm Up: 
How do we break down an image when we first begin to sketch it? 


Medium: A tool that can be either dry or wet used in the creation of art.

M.C. Escher: lived from 1898 -1972

Pen and Ink: A medium that can often be described as a dry or wet medium. 
The Students will create a rendering of hands illustrating shape to form relationships while demonstrating a variety of media to distinguish light sources using Pen and Ink while studying the artist artist M.C. Escher and his work Drawing Hands. 

8.1.spi.1 8.4.spi.1 8.4.spi.2 8.4.spi.3 8.4.spi.4
8.4.spi.5 8.4.spi.6 8.6.spi.2 8.3.spi.5 8.5.spi.3 8.5.spi.9 8.1.spi.5 8.1.spi.8 8.1.spi.9 8.2.spi.2 8.2.spi.4 8.2.spi.5
8.2.spi.9 8.3.spi.1 8.3.spi.2 8.5.spi.2 8.6.spi.2
The Artist:
M.C. Escher 
 M.C. Escher is a Dutch born artist who lived from 1898 -1972. He never did great in school but did his best work at drawing. He went on to study decorative arts after flunking out of architecture due to a skin infection. His art work is mathematically based and often done in the mediums of pen and ink as well as print making. 
Today's Mission: 
We will begin to transfer our sketch of our hand drawings using the image provided below. It uses our forms and shapes of the week through out the image. 
Make sure to pay close attention to the demo using the medium of the week so you can understand how the image is supposed to be made so you can do the same yourself.  

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